Soul Song Brisbane Rehearsal - Sunnybank

9:30am, Tue, 24 Jun 2025

Event Details

Type of event: Rehearsal
Start time: 9:30am
End time: 11:30am
Venue: Sunnybank Rugby Club
  See map below

Soul Song Sunnybank, directed by Bec Cassidy, rehearses every Tuesday morning.

New members are welcome at any time and your first rehearsal is always free so you can check us out without obligation. You can either just turn up, or you can contact our Founder, Jaq, ahead of time to ask any questions you may have or to let us know that you're coming, call 0412 255587 or email

The singing starts at 9.30am but doors open from 9.00am, so you're welcome to come in a bit early to get set up and settled in. Please BYO tea or coffee. Rehearsals go through until 11.30am. We will wander across the car park to the Community & Sports Centre after rehearsal for a casual lunch and some social time too!

At a typical rehearsal we do some fun warm ups before working on two songs and finishing with a celebratory song at the end of the session, known as the Soulster Parade.

If you’re joining us for a trial rehearsal we have lyric books that we can lend you. If you decide to join us, we will mail you a member pack, lyric book and all the resources you need once you've signed up. Then each week when you come, you just need to bring some water, a highlighter, pen or pencil, your lyric book and reading glasses, if you need them!

If you have any symptoms of cold or flu, please do not attend this week - we'd love to see you when you're feeling better. Or if you really can't wait, get in touch with Jaq about joining one of our hybrid rehearsals instead!


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