Regarding The profile in general
I also love that no one judges you even if I'm not always in tune ????. My hubby also thinks I'm a happier person since joining????
It's about getting to know yourself and how far you can go from being rock bottom to climbing up a damn big hill with ease and determination of not giving up. I'm not at the top but I will be because of this wonderful family of wonderful singers and positive minds.
I believe THAT I'M A BETTER PERSON IF NOT FOR SINGING BUT FOR LOVING WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT LIFE. The voice is being answered. Wish I started earlier when I was first told about this amazing group.
When the tough get singing, the singer gets tough.
Regarding Jaq's style
She made me feel comfortable from the very first day I joined with an easy going, funny and relatable manner. Her choir is inclusive and not exclusive, her directions clear and easy to understand.
I have learned a great deal from Jacqueline Larsen and the soul song choir. Cheers