Home - Virtual Choir

Home - Virtual Choir
Type of post: Profile news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Nicky Marsh
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 7 Mar 2025
Home by Phillip Phillips was scheduled weeks ago to be released today. At the time, we had no idea how topical it would be today. With nearly 300 Brisbane and Viral Choir members currently bunkered down at home today awaiting the landfall of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, the concept of riding the waves, not being afraid and knowing you'll still have a home at the end of it could not be more appropriate. This is a fantastic song with a thumping drum beat giving it real momentum and a repeated refrain allowing singers just to let rip and celebrate. Although we're dedicating it to our singers in Brisbane and on the Golf Coast and surrounding areas today, the video features all 9 of our physical choirs in Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney and Adelaide as well as members of our Viral Choir who have their homes all across Australia and beyond in Asia, UK and USA.